St. James’s Presbyterian Church
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St. James’s Presbyterian Church

St James Road, Ballymoney,

County Antrim BT53 6BJ

Minister : Rev. Hugh Cubitt BA BD

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(Also  at 6.30pm 1st & 3rd Sundays in the month)

(July & August at 11.00am with  no Evening Service)


Prayer Meeting @ 8.00pm

House Groups:

3rd Tuesday in the month

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Rev. Hugh Cubitt BA BD

Manse: 028 2766 3217

Mr Brian Hueston (Treasurer)

Home: 028 27664598

Mobile: 078 4164 3610

Mr Jack Gault (Clerk of Session)

Home: 028 2766 5014

Men’s Ministry

“My faith is enabling me to believe the promise though I can’t see the proof. It will come to pass! “

Steven Furtick

Connect was formed in March 2013 with the help of Pip Kerr from Crown Jesus Ministries.  

There was a real need in the church to have a men’s group that could share friendship and faith as they worked to bring others into a deeper relationship with our heavenly Father. Our aim is Fun - Fellowship - Faith.

This is a new and exciting venture for our church and with your support it can be something big.

If you would like more information please email for details. Our address is at the bottom of this page.

Table Quiz to launch CONNECT
Our launch event was a very successful Hot Dog supper and quiz in the main hall on Friday 14th June.

Over 40 men attended what turned out to be a very enjoyable event and gave the committee great encouragement at the support from our own and other churches.

A Big Turnout for BBQ & Ice-Cream

Our second Connect event was a brilliant success. Thank you to everyone who kept us in your prayers. The weather stayed dry and everyone had a very relaxed and enjoyable evening.
It was encouraging to hear the quality of singing from our men to several praise songs. The burgers were cooked to perfection by our resident chefs, Darryl and Andrew. A big thanks to them.

Everyone gathered back inside and Ross Cooper shared his faith and experiences in Equador as we indulged in some ice-cream.

A massive thank you to all helpers and providers and we look forward to our next event sometime in November.

If you would like to have your name added to our mailing list please send us your email address and we will keep you informed of future events.


Our evening at Room2Race was as exciting as we anticipated. Father raced son, son beat father, son crashed, some even went completely off the track. In a hotly contested A final Gilmour Taylor came out victorious in the souped up mini cooper class.  Ellis Cubitt proved he was indeed better than his father winning the U18 category and Glen … what can we say but….. The wooden spoon will be good for stirring the christmas pudding.

Our sincere thanks to Coilin and Peter from Room2Race for providing such an enjoyable evening.

New Year’s Eve …… WOW

A massive crowd attended our first ever New Year’s Eve Party … Thank You.

The Main Hall was transformed as you can see from the photographs and the evening was filled with games, nostalgic moments, memories of 2013 and Supper.  Broth, Crispy Rolls, Apple Tart and Fresh Cream ……… all before midnight.

Rev Hugh Cubitt led us in a short act of worship before bringing in the New Year with a Piper.

Although the initial idea was generated by the Men of Connect it was very much a whole church effort and a massive thanks to all those who helped in ANY way…..Thank You so much.

We look forward, with continued support, to making this an annual event. [more]

Evening of Praise and Testimony

John Porter and Davey Hoy contributed to an amazing evening on Friday 7 March

The Minor Hall was the venue for the latest Connect event on Friday 7 March.  We were so appreciative of John and Davey adding our wee meeting to their hectic schedule.

After a word of welcome and an opening prayer by Rev Hugh Cubitt, John led us in song. His choice was so apt for the group of men who came along and everyone joined in to fill the hall with some wonderful praise.  John has a unique way of weaving his faith into these songs and sharing with us his deep faith in Jesus Christ. John mentioned that someone who is walking in faith gives off an aura of peace and joy and that was certainly evident in him.

David Smith then gave us an introduction to Davey Hoy.  There was clear evidence in Davey’s testimony that the Lord had plucked him from a wild life to one of peace and freedom. Davey set up the Christian Family Centre in Armoy. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” is an ongoing principle and inspiration for the work carried out at this centre on a daily basis.

Davey went on to explain how he was led to work in Africa and set up a further Christian Family Centre in Namibia.  Davey would tell you himself that the Lord is true to those who love him and He has never once let Davey down as he walks in Faith.

John led us in some more praise before Andrew Kinnaird gave a word of thanks and said grace before we tucked into a spread of sandwiches and buns, truly worthy of a Men’s event.

Connect would again like to thank John and Davey so much for their contribution. It was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and the Holy Spirit was certainly present and will linger in the hearts and minds of those present.

Pudding Party

Connect were very appreciative for the large numbers who came along to support our fund raiser for Armoy Christian Centre and Connect funds. Over £350 was raised.

We would like to thank everyone who supplied puddings, there were some health threatening delights on offer. Thanks to our servers and dish washers.

The evening was rounded off by an auctio with some hectic bidding to secure the untouched left overs.


 World Cup 2014

Connect put up flags to decorate the minor hall and had a few evenings fellowship watching some of the world cup matches.

Thanks to all who helped out and served tacos and pizza to keep us going. Thank you to the many men and boys who came along and made it all worthwhile.

Watching the matches together Set up for “Sensible Soccer” video game Flags and bunting

Stormont Trip

Our outing to Stormont in November was a very enjoyable and informative experience.


A group of men are growing moustaches to raise money for Men’s Charity organisation “Movember”

We welcomed Alan Dundas and Simon to our Connect meeting in March.

Alan shared his calling to Coaching 4 Christ and their vision for the future. We were amazed to hear the tremendous work done by this organisation and only a few miles away from Ballymoney.

Coaching 4 Christ is a ‘Faith’ based organisation based in Ahoghill.  In addition to well established projects in Spain and India they are keen to support and develop the spirit and football skills of young folk locally too. Ballymoney Baptist Church will be hosting a Football Skills week in the Summer from 4- 8 August 2015.  Coaching 4 Christ are about to open a state of the art gym in Ahoghill and are always on the lookout for people with a passion for spreading the Gospel through football..

More information  at

Men's Ministry Women's Ministry Sunday School