St. James’s Presbyterian Church
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St James Road, Ballymoney,

County Antrim BT53 6BJ

Minister : Rev. Hugh Cubitt BA BD

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(Also  at 6.30pm 1st & 3rd Sundays in the month)

(July & August at 11.00 am with  no Evening Service)


Prayer Meeting @ 8.00pm

House Groups:

3rd Tuesday in the month

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Rev. Hugh Cubitt BA BD

Manse: 028 2766 3217

Mr Brian Hueston (Treasurer)

Home: 028 27664598

Mobile: 078 4164 3610

Mr Jack Gault (Clerk of Session)

Home: 028 2766 5014

Women’s Ministry

"Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished"
Luke 1 v 45

New Year - New Start

Let me begin by wishing you all a wonderfully blessed and peaceful 2017. May we be all that God intends for us to be this year and may we receive all from Jesus that He intends for us to have this year.

We have studying what it means to be, “In Christ Jesus.”

This month we will look at, “The Cross.”

“God, in His love, had to send His own Son to die on the cross. That was the cost He had to pay to enable us to be forgiven and to break the power of sin in our lives; to enable us to be restored to fellowship with Himself, become members of His heavenly Kingdom and be restored to His divine glory.

We deserve nothing from God, because of our sinfulness. His just and holy judgment upon sin is eternal death or separation from Him. Because of His great love for us, He does not want us to come under such judgment, but makes salvation possible for us, who naturally oppose Him and sin against Him. Why should such a barbaric death be necessary to enable the almighty God to give forgiveness to His people? Could there not have been another way? Could He not simply say that He would forgive them? St. Paul answers these questions for us:

God offered Him (Jesus), so that by His death He should become the means by which people’s sins are forgiven through their faith in Him. God did this in order to demonstrate that He is righteous. In the past He was patient and overlooked people’s sins; but in the present time He deals with their sins, in order to demonstrate His righteousness. In this way God shows that He Himself is righteous and that He puts right everyone who believes in Jesus (Romans 3:25-26).

“God is love” (1 John 4:16) and so He acts out of love for His people. But He is also righteous. Nothing can stand in His Presence that is not right, perfect and holy in His sight. That would seem to suggest that, because we sin we could stand no hope of ever being acceptable to Him. Without Jesus that would indeed be the case. It is for that reason that He said: “No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6).

Jesus died on the cross, first for His Father, then for us. God’s holiness and righteousness demanded that a sinless life be given for sinners, a perfect life for the imperfect, a holy life for the unholy, a righteous life for the unrighteous. God could not metaphorically shrug His shoulders and say, “Their sin doesn’t matter; I will forgive them.” It was sin that had alienated the whole of mankind from Him; it was sin that caused humanity to miss the glory for which they were created. Sin is awful in God’s sight and we cannot imagine how awful. Neither can we fully grasp the immensity of His live for us in making Jesus the atonement for our sins: through Him we can be once more at-one-with God. The perfect sacrifice of Jesus on the totally satisfies the holiness and righteous of God. He accepts the blood that Jesus shed as the payment for our sins.” That is why Jesus came and died on the cross.

As we begin this new year, may be reflect on the cross and on Jesus loving sacrifice for us.


“God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

Please complete the form below if you would like added to our confidential  Prayer List for this month


The Craft Club is normally held on the 1st and third Tuesday of each month at

10.30am – 12 noon in the Minor Hall. Tea / Coffee will be served and the cost is £1.00 to cover refreshments. All are very much welcome and this is an informal time to create nice things and to chat. Just bring your own craft materials with you.

Recommended Book:  

In Christ Jesus by Colin Urquhart

something to read

“Til I met you” by Laura Story

Our next Bible Study will be held on the dates below. If you have never been to a Women's Bible Study, come along as you will be made very welcome. We begin with refreshments and then we study a specific subject over the five weeks. You will not be asked to speak or take part, you can come along and just listen. Come along and have a relaxing morning learning from God's Word and having fellowship with others.

Note: We will be collecting food on an ongoing basis for those in our congregation who need it. If you would like to give an item a week or a month or whenever you feel you can then all donations will be gratefully received and distributed. If you feel you could benefit from this ministry and would like to receive food, please contact me. Strict confidentiality will be maintained.

DATE FOR YOUR DIARY Woman’s Quiet Day  Saturday 19 November. Details will follow soon


20th September at Tracey’s House  

4th October      

1st November     

15 November     

6 December      

20th December     


17th January

7th February

21st February

7th March

21st March

4 April

 2nd May

 16th May

  30th May

Women’s Bible Study
Men's Ministry Women's Ministry Sunday School