St. James’s Presbyterian Church
Home Ministries Worship Fellowship Mission Contact Us

St James Road, Ballymoney,

County Antrim BT53 6BJ

Minister : Rev. Hugh Cubitt BA BD

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(Also  at 6.30pm 1st & 3rd Sundays in the month)

(July & August at 11.00 am with  no Evening Service)


Prayer Meeting @ 8.00pm

House Groups:

3rd Tuesday in the month

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Rev. Hugh Cubitt BA BD

Manse: 028 2766 3217

Mr Brian Hueston (Treasurer)

Home: 028 27664598

Mobile: 078 4164 3610

Mr Jack Gault (Clerk of Session)

Home: 028 2766 5014

Sunday School

Sunday School is every Sunday morning from
10.30am to 11.15 am.

Helping your Child Worship
Corporate worship is one of the most important things a congregation does. In worship God comes to us in Word and Sacrament, and we respond by listening and receiving, praising and thinking, and dedicating our lives to God's service.
While Christian education classes train us for God's service, worship motivates and empowers us to serve. Worship is the "pep rally" for the entire congregation - children as well as adults.

For this reason it is worth taking some time to consider what you can do to help your child in church each Sunday.  We have a creche but some parents prefer to keep their children in church and we respect the wishes of both.

Bringing children into our midst for worship is something like having the smallest member of the family eating at the supper table even though his or her manners are not elegant. Children will wiggle and poke and swing their legs simply because they are children; they will also sing with us and pray with us, and give with us. So we are suggesting that we (the adults) put up with the restlessness and undercurrents of children during worship. We are to trust that the child in our midst will learn: my family and many others believe it is important to come to this place each Sunday; I belong to this special company of people; I am welcome; that the signs and sounds and feels of the sanctuary are good, even though not always comprehensible; that something is expected of me in this place; that I may respond with song and prayer and offering in the worship of the God revealed in Jesus Christ; and that God loves me and wants me to worship God too. All these learnings are valuable!

This page is intended to help you guide your young child's growth in understanding the exciting activity of God's people which we call worship. We encourage you to bookmark this page for future reference, and to share the information with your child.

Simple Ways to Help

Sunday School
Men's Ministry Women's Ministry Sunday School